Ph.D. - Tuition & Fees

Advanced To Candidacy Tuition, Fees and Other Expenses 


Fall 2024 & Spring 2025

(6 Dissertation Credits only)

Full-Time & Part-Time Ph.D. Candidate 2024-2025 (Per Term)View Summarized Description of current mandatory fees
PART-TIME  PHD Candidate    
PhD Candidacy In-State Tuition - per semester $1,377.00
PhD Candidacy Out-of-State Tuition - per semester $2,678.52
Athletics $33.00
Shuttle Bus $78.00
Student Union $96.50
Student Activities $24.00
Recreation Services $114.00
Student Counseling Center $12.50
Total Fees: $358.00
Note: All flat rates as listed above pertain to 899 level candidacy courses. If any 898 or below graduate level courses are taken simultaneously, those credits will be charged at the standard Graduate level Tuition and Fees scale (Available Here)


For the estimated cost of attendance at the University of Maryland (UMD), please see detailed information online at The cost of attendance is the estimated cost to attend UMD for the academic year. The Office of Student Financial Aid provides the cost of attendance information that includes tuition, fees, living expenses (housing and food), books, supplies, equipment, transportation, and miscellaneous personal expenses.  


Explanation of Fees

*Although changes in fees are ordinarily announced in advanced, the University reserves the right to make such changes without previous announcement.

*All Tuition and Fees are Refundable in accordance with University Refund Policy. View the refund policy and schedule for dropping one or more courses 


Archived Tuition & Fees for Prior Years